LEGIMASTER | E-Business Cloud Software For Lawyers | BenefitsLEGIMASTER | E-Business Cloud Software For Lawyers | Benefits

As a lawyer, you are facing major recurrent concerns: how to attract new clients? How to enhance your productivity? How to be chosen among your competitors? How to face the digital transformation of the legal profession? How to work remotely? And eventually, how to preserve your work/life balance?

LEGIMASTER brings you the answers. And it even goes beyond.

Work From Anywhere, Anytime


THE PROBLEM: Being attached to your office presents multiple drawbacks for your clients and for yourself:


1. Huge losses due to the Covid-19 movement restrictions

The Covid-19 pandemia hit the legal industry hard with necessary movement restrictions. Ongoing social distancing measures will remain during 2020, discouraging clients to come to consult you.


2. Loss of time

Time is the most valuable resource. The transportation time spent by your clients and yourself to reach your offices reduce your productivity and should be optimized.


3. Real estate costs

Occupying and maintaining offices is probably your heaviest recurring business expense. Real estate taxes, rents, loans, financial interests and property maintenance expenses are profits that you will not earn, distribute or reinvest.


THE SOLUTION: With Legimaster, you consult your clients online, holding face to face video meetings, exchanging documents. The positive impact is immediate:

  • You save your time and increase your productivity;
  • You allow your client to save time, reinforcing his loyalty and his gratitude towards you and your firm;
  • You can now optimize offices occupancy, reduce the required surface and make considerable savings.

Develop Recurring Business For New and Existing Clients


THE PROBLEM: In a hugely competitive legal market, ensuring a steady income is a daily challenge. Once their cases closed, your past clients usually stop consulting you. Finding new clients is cumbersome and time-consuming, a time that you can not invoice.


THE SOLUTION: With LEGIMASTER, you can create a full range of punctual and recurrings digital services to address your past and existing clients and attract new clients, generating new and recurring revenues. Your new digital services may include:

  • Online consultations plans, from simple questions to complex cases, billed on flat fee or time spent and delivered with video, phone and/or written exchanges including documents,
  • Subscription legal protection plans delivered online and/or offline,
  • exclusive digital contents, trainings, courses and webinars,
  • One-off packages and subscriptions, possibilities are almost limitless!

Get New Clients by Meeting a Huge Unsatisfied Demand


THE PROBLEM: Every citizen and business face daily simple questions requiring a lawyer’s advice. However, whether for cost reasons or geographic distance, most of them finally renounce to consult a lawyer. They still constitute an immense reservoir of potential clients that should be addressed. Not to mention that their simple questions often lead to larger cases and generate an extraordinary beneficial word-to-mouth in your favor!


THE SOLUTION: With LEGIMASTER, you can easily create and deliver worldwide online tailor-made and accessible consultations packages. Payments are made online or offline as you decide. You discuss with your clients wherever they are located on videoconference, live chat and messenger and exchange all type of documents. And of course, your consultations are recordable, archivable an searchable.

Raise Your Added-Value For Your Clients


THE PROBLEM: Every citizen and business face daily simple questions requiring a lawyer’s advice. However, whether for cost reasons or geographic distance, most of them finally renounce to consult a lawyer. They still constitute an immense reservoir of potential clients that should be addressed. Not to mention that their simple questions often lead to larger cases and generate an extraordinary beneficial word-to-mouth in your favor!


THE SOLUTION: With LEGIMASTER, you can easily create and deliver worldwide online tailor-made and accessible consultations packages. Payments are made online or offline as you decide. You discuss with your clients wherever they are located on videoconference, live chat and messenger and exchange all type of documents. And of course, your consultations are recordable, archivable an searchable.

Expand your law firm beyond your traditional territory


THE PROBLEM: Every citizen and business face daily simple questions requiring a lawyer’s advice. However, whether for cost reasons or geographic distance, most of them finally renounce to consult a lawyer. They still constitute an immense reservoir of potential clients that should be addressed. Not to mention that their simple questions often lead to larger cases and generate an extraordinary beneficial word-to-mouth in your favor!


THE SOLUTION: With LEGIMASTER, you can easily create and deliver worldwide online tailor-made and accessible consultations packages. Payments are made online or offline as you decide. You discuss with your clients wherever they are located on videoconference, live chat and messenger and exchange all type of documents. And of course, your consultations are recordable, archivable an searchable.

Master Your Productivity


THE PROBLEM: Every citizen and business face daily simple questions requiring a lawyer’s advice. However, whether for cost reasons or geographic distance, most of them finally renounce to consult a lawyer. They still constitute an immense reservoir of potential clients that should be addressed. Not to mention that their simple questions often lead to larger cases and generate an extraordinary beneficial word-to-mouth in your favor!


THE SOLUTION: With LEGIMASTER, you can easily create and deliver worldwide online tailor-made and accessible consultations packages. Payments are made online or offline as you decide. You discuss with your clients wherever they are located on videoconference, live chat and messenger and exchange all type of documents. And of course, your consultations are recordable, archivable an searchable.

Free Yourself, Become Your Own Master


THE PROBLEM: Every citizen and business face daily simple questions requiring a lawyer’s advice. However, whether for cost reasons or geographic distance, most of them finally renounce to consult a lawyer. They still constitute an immense reservoir of potential clients that should be addressed. Not to mention that their simple questions often lead to larger cases and generate an extraordinary beneficial word-to-mouth in your favor!


THE SOLUTION: With LEGIMASTER, you can easily create and deliver worldwide online tailor-made and accessible consultations packages. Payments are made online or offline as you decide. You discuss with your clients wherever they are located on videoconference, live chat and messenger and exchange all type of documents. And of course, your consultations are recordable, archivable an searchable.

Master Your Time, Master Your Productivity


Answer your Clients’ online requests with maximum flexibility to optimize your schedule and value the maximum of your time.



Chez LEGALIANCE, nous nous occupons de tout : maintenance sécuritaire et évolutive de votre Site, référencement naturel, gestion de votre blog, de vos contenus et de vos réseaux sociaux, prospection automatisée de vos clients, newsletters, e-mailings, … Mieux encore, nous pouvons assurer pour vous, la gestion globale de votre site et de vos activités sur Internet !


Contactez-nous dès aujourd’hui pour un rendez-vous sans engagement.

Votre site en pleine propriété : indépendance totale, sécurité maximale


Chez LEGALIANCE, vous n’êtes dépendant ni captif d’aucun prestataire. Votre Site est votre propriété et est hébergé sur un serveur loué par nos soins pour vous ou sur option sur vos propres serveurs. Toutes les données relatives à vos clients, à vos consultations et à vos paiements sécurisés sont hébergées dans votre propre base de données, cryptées et sécurisées, et accessibles par vous seul – hormis votre Webmaster, avec votre autorisation exprès et sous votre strict contrôle.

Consultations en ligne, abonnements juridiques, documents à accès réservés, paiements sécurisés : bienvenue dans l’ère numérique


Grâce à votre plate-forme Legaliance iConsult®, proposez à vos clients professionnels et particuliers des consultations en ligne, des abonnements juridiques et des contenus réservés avec accès et paiement sécurisés, dans le respect de la réglementation. Proposez par exemple des forfaits prépayés à la commande, des protections juridiques annuelles avec prélèvements mensuels automatisés et des abonnements documentaires. Avec ces nouvelles sources de revenus, des rentrées financières récurrentes et des règlements à la commande, votre plate-forme Legaliance iConsult® devient le fer de lancer de votre développement à l’ère numérique.

Contactez-nous dès à présent pour une consultation offerte sans engagement

Votre site d’avocat haut de gamme clés en main dimensionné pour votre cabinet


Que vous soyez un avocat indépendant, associé d’un cabinet régional ou national ou au sein d’une firme multinationale, votre Site Internet pour avocat LEGALIANCE vous est livré totalement dimensionné, configuré, personnalisé et prêt à l’emploi immédiatement. Il ne vous reste plus qu’à activer en quelques clics vos comptes de paiements électroniques ultra sécurisés pour recevoir vos paiements.

Votre Site LEGALIANCE peut compléter ou remplacer avantageusement votre Site actuel. Totalement évolutif, il s’adapte à vos besoins au fil de votre développement et est disponible sur option dans toutes les langues des affaires.



Avec les consultations en ligne, vous captez désormais une clientèle bien au-delà de votre périmètre géographique habituel, aux plans régional, national et international. Les abonnements et les contenus payants à accès réservé vous fournissent de nouvelles sources de revenus récurrents. Et en vous libérant de tâches administratives désormais automatisées, vous vous concentrez sur votre cœur de métier et augmentez votre productivité.



Chez LEGALIANCE, nous nous occupons de tout : maintenance sécuritaire et évolutive de votre Site, référencement naturel, gestion de votre blog, de vos contenus et de vos réseaux sociaux, prospection automatisée de vos clients, newsletters, e-mailings, … Mieux encore, nous pouvons assurer pour vous, la gestion globale de votre site et de vos activités sur Internet !


Contactez-nous dès aujourd’hui pour un rendez-vous sans engagement.

Votre site en pleine propriété : indépendance totale, sécurité maximale


Chez LEGALIANCE, vous n’êtes dépendant ni captif d’aucun prestataire. Votre Site est votre propriété et est hébergé sur un serveur loué par nos soins pour vous ou sur option sur vos propres serveurs. Toutes les données relatives à vos clients, à vos consultations et à vos paiements sécurisés sont hébergées dans votre propre base de données, cryptées et sécurisées, et accessibles par vous seul – hormis votre Webmaster, avec votre autorisation exprès et sous votre strict contrôle.